Sunday 29 September 2013

Erase Negate Delete - Of Rust and Rotten Things

Let me preface this by saying, I am not a huge fan of industrial. I like Nine Inch Nails and Skinny Puppy but, it's not my favorite genre and I don't know a whole lot about the scene. However, good music is good music no matter what! Erase Negate Delete or, better known as END, is a great band! I came to knowing of their existence as this is Ralphie Repulsive's (bass player and vocalist for one of my all time favorites Order of the Fly!) side project. With that said, this is a great release! It's good, energetic, story telling complete with a great cover, comic (which all tie into the story and lyrics) and amazing split colour vinyl that makes this one amazing package! My standouts have to be " Invocation of the Centipede King", "Desensitized", "Isolate", "Hivemind" and "Ghost in the Machine". If you're like me, and not a fan of industrial, this album could change that mindset or, just be a fun release to have for those times you feel like having something different.

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