Friday, 4 July 2014

Hack/Slash: Son of Samhain (#1)

Here we have the beginning of a new miniseries featuring Cassie Hack doing what she does best....kicking monster ass! Here we are set up with a new evil force, and are quickly informed that she is missing Vlad, looses the baby, leaves her girlfriend and becomes a bounty hunter basically leaving her whole life behind to start over. She is drawn back into the world of monster hunting with a new ally....and then the fun begins. There is a child guess is he's the son of Cassie's former lover Sam Hain (guessing by the title of the miniseries). Along with this kid, we have a monster type cult trying to bring back an old god to the world (sounds kinda Hellboyish to me). As well, a good chunk of me misses Vlad. The back and forth and humor he brought along, kicking ass along side Cassie gave the book a great dynamic. When Cassie teamed with Ash, he supplied the humor and that back and forth like Vlad did. With the new cowboy? I don't know. This story seems to be heading in a more serious direction. It could be good, it could be bad. As well, I have to say that I miss the slashers! Some of them were so ridiculous and outrageous that they themselves were beyond entertaining! The story has just begun and we'll see where this adventure takes us. The art is great but, the classic story elements that are missing make me yearn for yesteryear....but I am not giving up on Cassie just yet. The story is good, don't get me wrong....but there is some stuff that I do miss.

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