Saturday 16 August 2014

Walking Dead: Volume 21 - All Out War Part 2

Well, after an explosive ending from the last volume, we have the aftermath and the end of the war between the Saviors and the communities following Rick into battle. I know I have said this before but, if you need any reason why the comics are better then the television show? Just pick up these volumes and you'll see why! The Saviors' plan to combat the communities is twistedly brilliant and, for this to end, how far must Rick go? How far will he go before he looses all humanity? The ending is great, maybe a touch predictable's awesome and works. This battle has been great and has carried the book into this next chapter....the aftermath. What will Rick do now? Is this really the end or, just the beginning of something new or more? Lets see where Kirkman and company take us next in the adventures of Rick as he and his friends survive the world surrounded by walkers.

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