Monday, 11 July 2016

The Slugcult Bible by Alex Story

SLUGCULT RISE! Here, we have the almost complete book of lyrics written by Alex Story (as the lyrics for Sassy for Satan are not there yet). This is a must have for any fan of Cancerslug as, if you can get your claws on it, it is way worth it. So the font isn't consistent, there are some typos and the numbering of the songs are off but, it adds to the overall charm of the book. It has that independent feel that not everything is perfect or gone through with a fine tooth comb that has edited it to death. We also get an example of how he writes lyrics differently for when he is in his other band Doyle. So grab a copy of this book if you can find it because it is worth it. The lyrics are  dark, poetic, genius, funny and awesome. Alex Story does a great job on this release.

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