Thursday, 7 November 2019

Shadow Windhawk - The Funeral Cortege

So, in case you live under a rock, Shadow Windhawk and his band deliver the Horror Rock goods and this release is no exception! His fourth album overall, the man and his band open with "Broken Signals" and don't let up for a second. "Borgo Pass" are fantastic "Cortege" while "Fourteen-Mile Tombstone (Mr. Romero)" is a great tribute to the director who brought us all those classic movies in the Dead series. "Visitation Room" and "Red Shadows" are great whole "Feb 24th, 1989" sees him doing an electric version of type song found on his first solo album! "Green-Wood" and "Wendigo" are great finishers! This is maybe the best album by Windhawk and company as they just deliver the goods on every song as every note is placed with care and every sample chosen with precise precision to enhance the songs. Just a fantastic listen by someone who is a master of his craft. Give this album a listen and tell Windhawk that ol'Jekyll sent ya! The songs grab you and don't let go for a second and, if you manage to break away.... they'll stock you and find you like a slasher in any good or not so good slasher flick. 

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