Like every good, classic horror movie, compilations like the classic Ghouls Night Out Presents Songs to Murder that Special Someone to needs a squeal...or two! In the third installment of the series, Matt Pathetic has gathered some of the best tracks by some of the best bands in the genre! If you can get your damn dirty paws on one, do it! It begins with the awesome "Phasers set to Thrill" by the Black Cat Attack, carried on by great cuts by the Returners, Boneyard and the Stellar Corpses. This brings us to the Serpenteens and the Crypt Keeper Five and their cover of the Misfits "American Nightmare". Throw in some awesome cuts by favorites The Order of the Fly, Argyle Gooslby, Andrew Winter and the Reckless Dodgers doing a cover of the Mister Monster classic "This Night I Call (Bad Luck)" and end it with the fast becoming classic of the Darrow Chemical Company's anthem "WHB" and you have a compilation that is essential to any horror rock fan's collection! If you own this or any of the other two, you know what I am talking about, there is not a bad track on here! If you don't own any? Get on it....or else we'll send Gillman after you!
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