Monday, 18 May 2015

Thirteen Shots - Black Smiles

Asking such fundamental, life challenging questions such as why can't werewolves and humans be friends, we have the Thirteen Shots hailing from Birmingham and their offering of Black Smiles. An assault that, with only some light moments,  from the opening chords to the last doesn't let up. At times, the album has a bit of a Sex Pistols aggression as they never listen to the bollocks and just kick ass instead. Each song flows nicely into the next as the album takes shape with each listen to give the listener more each time. Though this is not your basic, straightforward Horror Punk album as the dynamics in songs like "Lost Soul" is very appreciated. Standout tracks include "Cobradeer", "Run and Hide", "Cupid's Dead", "Werewolf Party", "Garage Crew", "Night of Sin", "Skitzo",  "Black Eyed Girl", "Black Smiles", "Lost Soul" and "Friday 13". With an album like this I can't wait to hear what they follow it up with next as this was a joyful 40 minutes to listen to.

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