Sunday 20 March 2016

Vampwoov - Drunk on a Mountain

Here, we have the first full length by Vampwoov. The title says it all as they are drunk...on a mountain! This live release showcases songs along with live banter and jokes galore! The sound quality is good and you can see hints of greatness in the music recorded. I love live albums as they strip a band away from all those studio effects and lays them naked for the world to see. However, with that said, I would like to see a proper studio album from them and hear these songs cleaned up a bit as you can tell where the booze kicked in. This is a fun listen that will have you laughing along with the drunk humor involved. It's loose, and the band sounds like they are having as much fun as you, the listener, are. Now, we wait for a studio release so we can hear these songs cleaned up as live can be rough at times. I really do like the release as is, I just want to hear more from this band as I believe they can do so much more based on this release and Demoz.

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