Thursday, 24 October 2013

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

This, is the new novel by Stephen King that we have been waiting for now for years! The sequel to his classic The Shining. Now, some of you remember the The Shining from the classic 1980 Stanley Kubrick film which is disowned by King (as the movie didn't focus all that much on alcoholism like the book did which was an important element to the novel) while, some people like my sister, remember the book more so then the movie. Either way, this is a great sequel to The Shining no matter how you remember it! Starting just after the conclusion and the demise of the Overlook Hotel, we catch up with Dick, Dan and his mom Wendy as the ghostie people from the hotel decide to follow Dan and his mom while Dick teaches him how to lock up those bad memories for good. Fast forward to Dan hitting the bottom of the barrel with his alcoholism and a scene that plays over and over in his head before he sobers up with the help of AA and joins as hospice in....wait for it....New Hampshire (thought I was going to say Maine eh?) where he works and is known as Doctor Sleep for what he does his patients. Enter a child named Abra Stone with a shining as powerful as Dan (more so now that he is older) and the student becomes the teacher as they battle other people with the shining who like to take the essence or "steam" as they call it to gain immortality. Everything builds slowly and nicely as an old character beloved by all joins a whole host of new characters in this story that, in the end, comes full circle for everyone that is involved including a shocking revel. As well, if King's track record of just about everything that he writes seems to be made into a movie....this would be a welcome to sequel in film as well as in print! Or this could just be wishful thinking on my part but, give Danny Lloyd a call and see what he is doing anyway.

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