Danny Trejo stars (briefly) in this over the top acting, some cheesy effects (note the dead animal at the beginning) b-movie awesomeness! The best way to enjoy this movie is not to take it too seriously as you will laugh, you will ask yourself what you just saw and if it makes total sense. One thing that has me scratching my head is that giant monster thing....what the hell is it? Danny Trejo is awesome as the ass kicking, zombie killing priest for the chunk of the movie he is in and Martin Copping is pretty good zombie killing machine as these zombies come about my a street drug gone wrong. Some of the acting is, yes, way over the top but, that's what you get when you have a b-movie....everything is a little low budget and the acting is way over the top....makes for enjoyment all around. Oh! And take note of the guest spot of the suicidal zombie....Shadow Windhawk (Morticians/Argyle Goolsby/DieMonsterDie) you say? Yep! He's there! Check it out if you need a movie for that Friday night movie marathon you have planned....may not be great but it sure is enjoyable.
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