Friday, 25 October 2019

Calabrese - Flee the Light

So, Calabrese is a band that is loved by so many in the genre that you feel that they are at the point in their career that they could play it safe.... WRONG! Calabrese takes their classic sound and says around with it to create something new and exciting for their fans to grab on to and listen. Opening with ". He Who Flees the Light", it doesn't let up for a second as it is followed by "Let Doom Overtake Us". "King Prowler", "Demonspitter", "Pleasures of Evil", "Maleficis Visibilis" and "Hallucinatory Void" are all just ear candy leading into my favorite track on the album , "And In the End...I Am Nothing". The album closes wity a trifecta of greatness in "All the Devils In Hell", "End of Time at the Gates of Hell" and "Invisible Witches". Though they may flee the light there is no need to run from this awesome album as these 3 brothers have gone and done it again! 

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